A Sunday Post that is not a Weeknotes Post

I said in my last weeknotes post I didn’t want to do weeknotes any more, so this isn’t that, it’s just a post that happens to be on a Sunday that maybe talks about the past week.

  • We were at my parents house on Monday and Tuesday. This was considerably better than last year’s Zoom-Christmas for lots of reasons but I have to say one big reason is because my mother makes lasagna for Christmas and that’s very hard to reproduce digitally.
  • As far as we know, no one has gotten COVID in this house. That said school starts back up tomorrow and based on the numbers it seems like either we’ve already had it and we just didn’t notice or we will by the end of January.
  • I read _If You Lived Here You’d Be Home By Now _ yesterday, and posted some bits I liked from the book. It’s an interesting story — I liked Christopher Ingraham’s posts for the Washington Post and had read the original article that started the whole story so I enjoyed the book. The book was written pre-Pandemic, and a fair amount of his complaints about living in the greater DC area revolved around commuting. Housing costs were the other big issue, so maybe that last two years have been a wash but I should go see if he’s had any follow-ups on his thoughts about moving the Minnesota.
  • Starting and finishing a book on January 1st means I’m currently on track to read 365 books this year.
  • Lorelei has restarted and beat Donut County every day for the last five days.
  • It was Andrea’s birthday this week. Like every year, we fail to account for the fact that her birthday is on New Year’s Eve and without at least a few minutes of prior planning, getting food from a restaurant is not going to happen.
  • Also like every year we’ve gone to bed well past midnight almost every night this week, so getting back to our routine tomorrow is going to be painful.