Reading List May 15, 2020

  1. Modern CSS Solutions

CSS continues to improve, and browser support for modern solutions continues to grow, so all the ways you used to do things might have better versions today.

  1. JavaScript’s ecosystem is uniquely paranoid

Three factors have caused a widespread cultural paranoia among JavaScript developers. This has been inculcated over years. These factors are: JavaScript’s weak dynamic type system; the diversity of runtimes JavaScript targets; and the fact of deploying software on the web.

  1. Why does writing matter in remote work?

“But what if the problem is juicy and we can’t solve it through an asynchronous discussion?”

My response to this is to still default to an asynchronous discussion because asynchronous discussion makes it clear when it needs a meeting. Many people aren’t agreeing. The Slack thread is 148 messages deep and no one made a decision. These signals mean that the discussion needs to be a meeting.

  1. Notion-Powered Websites

    I find what people are trying to do here with Notion super interesting. Notion can create a URL for any page you make, but it’s styled like Notion styles it, and it gets metatags as Notion decides it should. So people are using undocumented Notion APIs to build their own sites using Notion data, or cloud functions to take public Notion pages and build a site from that.

    Notion has promised to release an official API “soon” but I think what’s driving people to jump the gun is that it’s UI is astronomically easier to use than almost any headless CMS out there I can think of, both in terms of constructing the information architecture and editing content. Technically there are a lot of differences, e.g. if you used Notion as a real time content source I think you’d be very sad, but I can at least hope that the UI and ease of adding content structures is something other CMS solutions adopt.