posts from January 2021

  • New about page

    I’ve been lazy about putting a new about page on this site, because I wanted to make it look better than the plain text wall I had in the last design. I decided since I’m sitting at my home desk almost always these days, I’d make an interactive version for you to play along with.
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  • Fuck Donald Trump

    Days after, or even the day of the 2017 inauguration, I was in North Station and someone was singing just the chorus of “FDT” over and over.
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  • Who uses Safari

    I’ve saved this screenshot for the next time I need to have a debate about dropping older browser support. It’s from My PlayStation, and the browser is Safari (desktop and mobile!). Literally no way to view your account on an iOS device without downloading the app. Some light Google-ing says there’s over 100 million people with Playstation accounts so it’s unlikely I’m the only person annoyed by this.
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  • Finding is better than folding

    Search > Sort
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  • Hawk, guy

    Our backyard is a tiny stretch of trees before a river, but there are a lot of trees. If you asked me how many, I couldn’t guess, if you asked me what kinds I’d say “tree kinds”, but if you ask me to look at the back window and spot a bird through the hundreds of thousands of branches my brain will pick them out in an instant every time. Just don’t ask me what kind of bird.
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