Recent posts

  • Marking the Pandemic by Plane

    Last March, there were no planes. The sky was silent and empty. It occurred to me that in a lot of places, the sky is always like that. But here, it was immediately noticeable that the planes were gone.
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  • Electricity

    A guitar cable and a kid.
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  • One Year

    One year of working from home, or whatever this last year was.
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  • Stencil, Markdown, and web components in Markdown

    I’ve had an idea floating around for a while: MDX is great, but I hate all of the steps around configuring / building React components with it. If I’m writing Markdown, HTML is valid in Markdown, and Web Components are valid HTML, so why not just stick Web Components in Markdown and call it a day?
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  • Rush - ing a repo

    Some notes on moving an existing Git repository into a Rush monorepo structure.
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  • From Netlify CMS to Forestry

    Why I switched the content editor on this site from Netlify CMS to
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  • CDNs Aren’t as Useful as They Used to Be

    When I was learning to be a web developer it was beaten into my head that if you were building a site and loading 3rd party scripts on it (e.g. jQuery, Bootstrap), you should load them from a CDN because if a user on your site had been to another site that used jQuery (likely) and they used the same version of jQuery (somewhat likely), and that other site also used the same CDN for jQuery (i.e. ``, which was pretty likely given we didn’t have as many widely available CDNs back then), then the browser would pull the version of jQuery you were requesting from the cache instead of downloading it again. Everyone wins! Except the first site to request jQuery that a user hit with an empty cache.
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  • My Favorite Apple Watch App

    Dance kitty, dance.
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  • An Album A Day

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  • New about page

    I’ve been lazy about putting a new about page on this site, because I wanted to make it look better than the plain text wall I had in the last design. I decided since I’m sitting at my home desk almost always these days, I’d make an interactive version for you to play along with.
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