Recent posts

  • Built without coffee

    Or less, at least.
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  • Work Pray Code (a book review)

    My notes on the book Work Pray Code by Carolyn Chen
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  • My AR/VR (XR?) hot take

    Maybe just make the existing world work a bit better before jumping off into new ones.
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  • Notes apps are where ideas go to die. And that’s good.

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  • Halibut Point

    A sunny day on Halibut Point in Rockport.
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  • Tina CMS Test

    Testing out Tina CMS, yet another Git-backed Markdown CMS for this site.
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  • Disney World

    Field notes from our 2023 trip to Disney World.
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  • RIP Maggie

    Our cat Maggie passed away yesterday. She was a good cat.
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  • The Internet can be anything - but it isn't always the right thing

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  • Modem Upgrades

    2x-ing the amount of cute cat pictures I can download.
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