Recent posts

  • Wintering

    Some ice, and some snow.
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  • The End of Everything

    Happy Sunday, life is meaningless. But not just yours, everyone's!
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  • The Platinum is in Another Castle

    On “beating” modern games.
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  • Hygge

    Oh to be a cat.
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  • Annual maintenance

    Pandemic musings while waiting for an oil change. And tire rotation. Oh and the inspection, don’t forget that.
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  • Adding search to a static site

    Using Lunr to add search to this site.
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  • A Sunday Post that is not a Weeknotes Post

    A post on a Sunday about the past week that is definitely not a weeknotes post.
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  • Weeknotes for the week ending December 26, 2021

    Looking back on 2021. Also I guess Christmas happened.
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  • Weeknotes for the week ending December 19, 2021

    Red sky at morning, sailors take warning.
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  • Weeknotes for the week ending December 12, 2021

    None of us are comfortable until we are all comfortable.
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